Specialty Pharma Builds Momentum: Innovations and Challenges Ahead

By David Lefkowitz, SENIOR DIRECTOR OF MARKET STRATEGY The landscape of specialty pharmaceuticals is evolving at a rapid pace, driven by demographic shifts, technological advancements, and increasing global health challenges. As the world’s population ages and chronic illnesses proliferate, the demand for high-value specialty medications continues to surge. This article explores the growth, opportunities, and


Revolutionizing Healthcare with RFID

Terso’s own, Nina Petters, and Avery Dennison’s, Benjamin Read, sit down to discuss the breakthroughs RFID technology is making in the pharma & healthcare industry – enhancing safety, efficiency, and patient care.             Related content News Embracing RAIN RFID Technology RAIN RFID in Europe Technology Specialty Pharma Builds Momentum


InVita Q&A Guest Post

How Vendor Interoperability Eliminates Missing Links in the Medical Implant Supply Chain The growing regulatory scrutiny, the demand for inventory transparency, and the concerns over patient safety have led hospitals and health systems to invest more in advanced technology to manage tissue and non-biologic implant supply chains more efficiently. In this exclusive interview, Terso’s own


Things to Consider When Evaluating Tracking Technology

Factor #1: Importance of staff efficiency “If making the most of staff time is important, then it’s important for providers to consider technology that enables their team to perform the jobs they were hired to do,” explained Jason Rosemurgy, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Terso Solutions. “A recent study found that nearly


Creating an Efficient ASC

While the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift of more procedures to ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), the primary driver for years has been cost savings. Medicare pays hospital outpatient departments double the rates paid to ASCs (ASCA, 2020). It should not be surprising then that from 2011-2018, Medicare saved over $28 billion on procedures performed in


A Hospital Analysis: The Need for New Supply Chain Solutions

Even though two years have passed since the COVID-19 pandemic began, hospitals are still feeling the effects. Staffing shortages continue to be a major issue, with one study showing that hospital employment is recovering slower than the rest of the economy with levels still below February 2020 (Altarum, 2022). Adding to this strain is the


Upgrading Your Inventory Management Technology

Whether driven by cost pressure or sunsetting of legacy systems, many healthcare organizations are re-evaluating the inventory management technology they have in place. It is common to find older systems in use that require manual steps like entry of a device pin number or manual inventory counts. However, newer technology, like RFID, offers greater security,


The Difficulty with Manually Tracking Medical Devices

Medical device companies and acute care facilities have traditionally relied on manual inventory management approaches. However, this is no longer viable for many reasons and forward-thinking companies are embracing automated solutions instead. These solutions not only help to track inventory items, but they also save time, money, and improve relationships between medical device companies and


Implementing a Consignment Inventory Management Model

In a past article, President and CEO of Terso Solutions, Joe Pleshek discussed if consignment inventory could be seen as a blessing or a curse to suppliers. He concluded that the stark reality facing medical device manufacturers is the necessity to embrace the consignment inventory management model, as more of their customers experience the benefits,


Med Spa Inventory Control

As we see smart inventory management being adopted more and more by healthcare, it only seems logical that related industries would benefit from IoT hardware and software solutions as well. Medical aesthetics is one of those healthcare adjacent industries that is handling high-value inventory, such as injectables (e.g. Botox and Juvederm) the management of which