How it works

Comprehensive Inventory Management In 3 Simple Steps

1 Connect

Once the desired items are properly tagged, connect the reader to the smart phone via Bluetooth and open the app to begin tracking.

2 Scan

Wave the handheld in front of the RFID-labeled products to obtain your inventory information.

RFID Handheld Reader tracking inventory in a stockroom
3 Jetstream

The collected data is then encrypted and transferred via Jetstream, our cloud-based platform which can be easily integrated into your existing ERP systems and inventory management workflows. Need an inventory management software and don’t have the resources to develop your own? We’ve got you covered with Stratosphere.


One technology. Many applications.



RFID Handheld Reader Spec Sheet

Disclaimer: If you are outside of the US, contact us for your regions’ specifications.

*Specifications are subject to change without notice

Location Use

One technology. Many applications.


RFID Handheld Reader Spec Sheet

Disclaimer: If you are outside of the US, contact us for your regions’ specifications.

*Specifications are subject to change without notice

Terso RFID tag to adhere to healthcare or life science inventory products
Terso RFID tag to adhere to healthcare or life science inventory products
UHF RFID & Our Process

With it’s extremely high read range Ultra-High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification technology, also known as UHF RFID, is the ideal solution for tracking large quantities of inventory at once. This technology paired with our devices, software, and support, is unstoppable, and we’ll be there every step of the way to guide you through. From discovery to roll-out, we want to help to ensure a successful implementation of this cutting-edge technology.

Jetstream the open-api, cloud-based software solution by Terso Solutions. Integrate any inventory management software directly to Terso's Suite of RFID hardware solutions through Jetstream
Seamless Integration with Jetstream

The RFID Handheld Reader would not be able to communicate your essential inventory information without a software that easily integrates into your existing applications and workflows. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Jetstream, the simplest and most flexible cloud-based platform for managing inventory allows for security and scalability so that truly knowing now and staying connected to high-value inventory from anywhere at anytime is possible.

Jetstream the open-api, cloud-based software solution by Terso Solutions. Integrate any inventory management software directly to Terso's Suite of RFID hardware solutions through Jetstream